The house call of 2021

Increased Appointment Flexibility
Cut the travel time out of your appointment, virtual sessions allow you to meet with your provider from your home, office, car, or wherever you are. While we are eager to welcome patients back for in-person appointments, many patients have enjoyed the flexibility telemedicine visits offer, and we will continue to offer telemedicine as an option, even after regular in-office visits are able to resume.
Know You're Covered
Most insurance plans are now providing the same coverage for telemedicine sessions as in-office appointments, in some cases co-pays for telemedicine visits may even be less than traditional in-office appointments. Enjoy the luxury and convenince of virtual visits without the additional expense.
Rest Assured Your Session Is Secure
Our telemedicine sessions are offered through a secure, encrypted HIPAA-compliant platform. Your session, health information and data never leave the secure platform. All of the platforms/functions for electronic records, payments, telemedicine sessions, etc. are all encrypted, secure, and HIPAA compliant.